As I am very obsessive, I
have been looking again for more information on the NEQUA people. I found two
more tidbits, two more leads on information that provide more questions than
answers. Every couple of months or so I go back to the internet looking for new
information on the NEQUA people, It seems that the internet will keep looking
for additional material as long as there are requests being entered into the
search engines.
A later news item also refers
to the son working in the capitol. There is a question about his mother’s last
name being the same as the auditors and a suspicion exists that there is some
family favoritism. The auditor admits that Mrs. Lowe was from the same area he
was from in Kentucky, Walter works for November and December of 1893 and
January through June in 1894,
The Humanities Newspaper Project keeps digitizing newspapers, which means that more minute material shows up every time I recheck it. I have about a dozen subjects I use for searching every once in a while. Slowly but surely a clearer picture of the Lowes emerges.