A review of NEQUA found
in Foundation: The International Review of Science Fiction is now circulating. It is quite well done. Foundations is published in England. Here are two quotes from the review.
“Mark Esping, who serendipitously came
across a copy on a bookshelf and not hidden away in an archive, has
meticulously researched the few clues that remain as to the authorship and
inspiration for Nequa”
“.Nequa mediates between the dual American desires for an
economically robust nation within a pastoral setting: ‘Not withstanding all
the evidences of a highly cultivated country and the most active traffic and
trade between the different sections, we nowhere discovered any indications of
great cities… nowhere did we see vast clouds of smoke such as vitiate the
atmosphere in the large cities and manufacturing districts of the outer world’
(p. 118).”
I also contacted The Midwest Book Review, which provided a
pleasant surprise. I dialed the
phone number and a man answered the phone. It was Mr. Cox himself. He was not
only pleasant but extremely informative.
I followed his advice and a review of NEQUA appears in the October on-line issue of Small Press Bookwatch. Take a look at http://www.midwestbookreview.com/sbw/oct_15.htm#Fantasy/SciFi
If anyone knows of some other places I should contact for
reviews or places to place reviews please send me an email.
Send an email to your entire email list telling them to
buy NEQUA at Amazon.com or from KC Metro Books, listed on biblio.com.